Recruitment  (werven & selectie) Based on No Cure no Pay

Do you have a international or national vacancy in an important position within your organization and do you prefer mediation to direct employment? Then choose Qlarity Recruitment and Selection! Beforehand, Qlarity makes clear agreements about the recruitment and selection process. We draw up a step-by-step plan with a clear schedule.

How does Qlarity work?

With the Recruitment and Selection (W&S) service, Qlarity aims to find the most suitable person for the vacancy.
Our service/advantages includes:

On-site inventory of the vacancy;
Support in creating a job profile and/or vacancy text;
The 24/7 recruitment and selection process (Recruitment is completely taken out of your hands)
Intake interview(s) with the candidate;
Placement and posting of the vacancy on various internet sites;
Reference check(s).

Recruitment & Selection (W&S) Fixed Fees

The recruitment and selection fee of Qlarity fee is based on No Cure No Pay.

Recruitment and selection fee for an LBO or lower vacancy is the fee € 2750 excluding VAT per candidate.
We work on a no cure no pay basis. You pay when the candidate you find suitable is hired.

Recruitment and selection rate for an MBO vacancy is the fee € 4750 excluding VAT per candidate.
We work on a no cure no pay basis. You pay when the candidate you find suitable is hired.

Recruitment and selection fee for a HBO or higher vacancy is the fee € 6750 excluding VAT per candidate.

We work on a no cure no pay basis. You pay when the candidate you find suitable is hired.


Package deal
If you want to place several vacancies simultaneously, we charge a special and more favorable fee. We agree on a fixed-fee amount per vacancy or per number of vacancies.


Type of vacancy Fixed fees
LBO or lower vacancy € 2750 excluding VAT per candidate
MBO vacancy € 4750 excluding VAT per candidate
HBO or higher vacancy € 6750 excluding VAT per candidate